. la trampa del destello / the trap of the flash

La trampa del destello

Un trozo de vidrio sobre el suelo. Cautivó mi atención su brillo. La luz le genera destellos.
Construyo con vidrios de ventanillas de automóviles.
Este material trae historia, tiene relato, permite inferir algo de alguien, desde el tipo de rotura, su causa, su calidad, su origen.
Relato que permite leer la trama social, su pertenencia, su linaje.Tiene inscripción simbólica.
Su rotura fue consecuencia de un acto violento.
Por un acontecimiento fortuito, por accidente, por vandalismo, etc.
El acontecimiento provoca en él un entramado, un tejido. Hay roturas que evocan peligro, causan escozor.
Agujeros como balazos, golpes.
Allí uno puede «verse», porque se espeja.
Cambia de color.
Es bello, parece piedra preciosa, brilla, destella.
Invita al tacto.

Statement Adriana Carambia

The Trap of the Flash

A piece of glass on the ground. Its brightness caught my attention. Light produces flashes.
I make constructions with glasses from car windows.
This material has its own story, its own tale, that allows us to deduce something about someone, from the kind of breaking to its cause, its quality, its origin.
A tale that lets us to read a social context, where it belongs, its lineage. It has a symbolic impression.
Its breaking was the consequence of an act of violence.
Because of a random event, an accident, vandalism, etc.
The event creates a grid, a weaving on it. There are breakings that evoke danger, cause grief.
Holes similar to bullet wounds, blows.
It’s scary.
There, we can «see ourselves,» because it creates a mirror effect.
It changes colors.
It’s beautiful, looks like a precious stone, shines, glints.
It invites us to touch it.
It cuts.

Statement by Adriana Carambia